A Community is not made by one person, but by collective effort and hardwork of many people. That' why I'd like express my gratitude to the partners and members who've supported Machine Learning UB from the beginning and helped to build MLUB.
Machine Learning UB is an excellent community that offers support to those who aspire to become data professional, data analyst and machine learning experts. I truly appreciate that MLUB also helps the experts to challenge and improve their skills through their activities.
MLUB is providing an excellent community for those interested in machine learning and current practitioners. With this community members will be able to raise the standards of data science in Mongolia to new heights.
A professional community plays an important role in knowledge sharing among data enthusiasts and experts which contributes to the development of the country's AI & DS field. Therefore, I'd like to thank those who have been participating in our activities and supporting us.
In this era of machine learning and data processing have become an integral part of mobile apps and computer programs, it's truly appreciative that MLUB team is creating opportunities for the young generations to learn and create in AI & DS landscape.